Sunday, April 17, 2011

In year 2011,NEW post, NEW story and I'm working ???

HI there today is 17/4/2011..ya,sudah lama aku tak BLOGing ni, aku nk ckap SORRRY~ ( de bnyk R sbb aku pelat R..haha) kpd peminat2 n pembace blog aku b'coz I had been silent for many months,haha...As u notice (especially my closest friends) , in year 2011 I had been working at SUBWAY's restaurant in SHAH ALAM..:D For those who dont know yet,biarlah aku brgtau korang.....Aku mang dri ulu brcita2 nk keje dkt situ lpas SPM,haha..nmpk nya cite2 aku trcapai, :P

Seriously working in a famous fast food restaurant like that ( SUBWAY ) make me more mature and krn bnyk benda yg aku prlajari...contohnyaaaa~

Bakar roti.....:P

put the vegetables...
( all still fresh :P)

and finally the best things that i learn at work is..........

kena balut cantik2 SANDWICH tu spaya customer HAPPY (opps...terkantoi sude) hahaha..

Aku tau mesti korang trtanye2 psal gaji aku brp kn? IF yes, let me say that RM 4.00 per hour..:) day I work how many hours? Let it be my secret OK? hahaha...sbb aku takut korang nanti minta aku belanjew..hahaha..:P Posting kali ni bnyak kpd cakap2 kosong, so I'm sorry to all the FOLLOWer's my blog if I disappointed u guys....:)

OH2...semenjak aku keje situ, aku de bnyk kwan keje yg BAIK2 belaka....and these are their pics~ :)

This is not gay, its just a goofing moments for the both of us...L.O.L
*dont play2~ baju merah tu supervicer aku, ia kasi buku lima kang,haha.. ;)

the BOYs TEAM ^_^
( kite orng 3 je laki2 pada mase2...huhu...tpi we still strong!!! haha)

and this are the GIRLs TEAM :D....
(sbnarnya de rmai lagi...sory for those who are missing...)

*The above pics prove that we all are a happy crew members that work at SUBWAY SHAH ALAM :P

Aku rase ini saje la post utk masa ini...aku harap2 aku dpt post2 yg lebih STYLO and AWESOME for the readers that read my blog....thanks a lot for reading it...tata~...d^_^b

Saturday, June 12, 2010

post for 1st week school holiday...

hai..ari ni brapa ari bulan entah,tiba2 mood utk tulis blog cuti skola ni,sorry doh yg setia menunggu post gue,haha...just joking..tulah,cuti ini bagi aku,bosan gilerz!!!...aku hanya mampu dok uma dan kacau orng online je..huhu..tapi,ari demi ari my feeling started to change as I had found my perpos for the holiday,that's chatting with one of my best friend..^_^..btw,dia ni gurlz okey,haha..and still single,^_^ salah la aku kacau dia,hehe..tetapi..kalo dah ari-ari kacau hidup dia,gerenty la mak dia mara aku sbb kacau anak,sbb tu la aku nk berhenti skejap kacau dia,tapi..NAFSU(nak call and dengar suara dia) aku x boleh after day aku call dia and so on until...argh!!!..aku x trfikir ini akan berlaku,krn pda asalnya niat ak hanya kacau dia..but now,what happend to me?..huhu..I had changed..and I felt so ashamed+scared of myself..then,I reallised that,this is all my fault and it wouldn't happend if aku x start kacau orng, P.S.(ni bukan play station tau..tapi yg P.S lagi satu tu) note to myself,kacau orng bole..tapi jangan sampai ari-ari sbb anti pmpuan yg kita minat 2 akn bencikn kita..haha..2 la exp. yg aku dpat drpd minggu pertama cuti,look at the bright sight cuti skola ada lagi 1 minggu...yeah!!..^_^

Friday, June 4, 2010

goodbye teacher(Pn.Rugayah)..huhu..

Hai..ari ni 4-jun-2010,ari ni merupakn ari yg sedih uat kelas 5SC1,krn cikgu bio kita orng akan pindah ke Johor(dekat mana entah,aku x ingat..sorry)..walaupun aku baru saja kenal beliau pd tahun ni,tapi aku bole katakn bhawa,beliau merupakn cikgu yg paling styo milo..haha,dia x penah EMO-emo dekat kita orng,tension or even mad at us..kalo dekat aku 2,maybe da la dia mara maklum la..aku kan suka uat kacau dlam kelas,haha..tapi,orng kata mara ni tanda kasih sayang cikgu,hehe..^_^..aku ingat lagi nasihat cikgu.."izzul kamu jangan banyak gelak saja,nanti ilmu kamu akan hilang" la kata2 seorang guru yg penyabar dlm tugas nya..huhu..cikgu!!..maafkn saya,krn saya telah memandang rendah kpd keupayaan cikgu pada pertama kali cikgu memperkenalkn diri..huhu...skrng,aku sudah menyesal dan aku telah mempelajari sesuatu pengajaran yg bergitu mendalam sekali,dimana..DONT JUDGE IT BOOK BY THE COVER or something like that,,setiap guru itu merupakn insan yg berjiwa bersih ibaratkn kain sutra putih yg sentiasa bersih drpd kotoran..hehe,sory la kalo korang(the readers) anggap aku tulis blog ini skema sngat,tapi ini je yg aku mampu uat utk menghargai jasa Pn.Rugayah selama ni..^_^,good luck cikgu dalam kerjaya cikgu and I promise that,nasihat and tunjuk ajak cikgu,I will rememder it until ke hujung hayat,hehe..tak lupa juga,I will try to get great A in SPM for my BIO!!..hehe..^_^..thank you teacher..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i'm a childish person...huhu..

Hai..ari ni 1-jun-2010..pagi tdi aku exam sivik dan boleh katakn aku uat sivik tu dngn penuh keyakinan,haha..mood aku sepanjang ari ini HAPPY je..but,it started to change when i got my ENGLISH paper...huhu,i just got B+ for my english..but,aku sedih sangat2 apabila composition aku cikgu comment aku tulis mcm kebudak-budakan..huhu..~a bit childish!!~ini lah yg ditulis di test pad aku..haha,apabila dibaca semula sememangnya mcm budak-budak sikit..

ini lah perengannya,haha..

.."Why do you bring me to hell?",Mazlan asked.Then the demon lord replied,"I sent you to hell is because,you wore a pink bunny shoes,and I hate humans who wore pink bunny shoes like you.Understood?".With the unreasonable answer from the demon lord,Mazlan anger started to develop in his loving heart.Then,he took off both of his pink bunny shoes and threw them at Natakona(The demon lord) face....

haha..kalo korang baca pun,aku rasa lah..memang betol kot ada unsur kebudak-budakan,haha...itulah,aku rasa aku kena improve lagi english aku,haha..krn rakan aku kata aku bole gunakan unsur ini untuk menghasilkan composition yg bagus,haha..cuma perlu improve gramma and vocab. je..haih...rasanya itu je lah yg aku nk kongsikn dekat korng..aku harap aku dpat tulis lagi post2 yg best,haha..^_^

Friday, May 28, 2010

hehe..thanks to the NEW layout^_^

haha...mesti korang ingt aku yg uat layout blog aku ni kn?haha..sebenarnya,kwan aku yg muka LISA SURIHANI tu yg tolong uat kn,ahaha..maklum la..aku dlm industri blog ni baru lagi,haha...walaubgaimanapn,aku nk ckap kn THANKS A LOT LISA!!..haha,tanpa ko..aku x tau la mcm ne nk lengkapkn BLOG aku ni,,with the black and white skull,my excitement increases rapidly when ever I enter my blog..thanks to my lisa face friends^_^

Thursday, May 27, 2010

haih...PHYSIC nie...

Hai there...ari ni 27-mei-2010...bak kata orng tenga exam katakn..haha..exam mid memang2 best sbb nk cuti,but kertas yg aku x suka gilerz adalah paper physic ari ni...haih,aku bet aku dah tau smua benda psal physic ni dari NEWTON's 1st law iaitu inertia until la electricity yg bab kira2....but,apakah daya soalan physic kali ni memang mencabar otak aku...shingga la STRESS!!aARRghh!!...tapi..hati aku raso tenang je apabila melihat wajah salah seorng rakan aku muka ia bole dikatakn umpama pelakon LISA SURIHANI,nama kawan aku tu biarlah rahsia,haha,sebab nanti kecoh satu dunia la pulak pasal muka ia,haha...oh,aku ingat lagi apabila 1st time orng(cikgu practikel) panggil ia lisa,aku tergelak, lah aku pun x penah trfikir bhawa muka ia tu mcm lisa..haha...tapi apabila fikir kan balik..muka manusia dekat muka bumi ini smua nya hampir sama.So....kalo muka kawan aku tu mcm lisa surihani..muka aku ini mcm siapa ye?haha..d^_^b

Saturday, May 22, 2010

introduction blog aku...

PEOPLE says that a BLOGGer life is amazing+awesome..that they can meluahkan perasaan and pengalaman dia dlm blog..but why BLOG?kenapa tak FACEBOOK?or even MYSPACE? lah yg aku tercari-cari selama ni untuk menulis blog yg pertama aku ini..haha..barulah aku faham the meaning of a blogger life,it's all started when they type their first word in the first blog..macam aku,apabila sahaja aku menulis perkataan PEOPLE pada awal perengan ini,my feeling to share my story to you guys can't be stop..haha..aku pun tak tahu kenapa,tetapi mungkin the smoothness of my keyboard key had made it all the different...haha..