Saturday, May 22, 2010

introduction blog aku...

PEOPLE says that a BLOGGer life is amazing+awesome..that they can meluahkan perasaan and pengalaman dia dlm blog..but why BLOG?kenapa tak FACEBOOK?or even MYSPACE? lah yg aku tercari-cari selama ni untuk menulis blog yg pertama aku ini..haha..barulah aku faham the meaning of a blogger life,it's all started when they type their first word in the first blog..macam aku,apabila sahaja aku menulis perkataan PEOPLE pada awal perengan ini,my feeling to share my story to you guys can't be stop..haha..aku pun tak tahu kenapa,tetapi mungkin the smoothness of my keyboard key had made it all the different...haha..

1 comment:

Amirah Why said...
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